I am quite fascinated by people's internal landscapes. What I mean by this is what people see in their mind's eye when they hear a particular song, smell a certain smell or hear a country name.
I am at Paul's place in Maidenhead. Paul is a good friend of ours and was also Ian's best man. We are in London this weekend to see The Whitlams but we also wanted to spend some time with Paul so we are staying at his place.
I digress.
We were having breakfast earlier and I had put on 'Automatic for the People', REM's epic album I will never tire of hearing, when 'Sweetness Follows' came on and I was immediately transported to midwestern America. Bear in mind here that I have never been to the midwest but what I saw in my mind's eye were long stretches of road, towns where the streets are wide and the houses large, Texaco service stations and roadside diners where you can get 3 times as much food on your plate that you can possibly consume.
I have no idea why when I hear that particular song I see the Amerian midwest but I suppose that is something peculiar to my mind.
What do you see when I say 'white picket fence'? Or where do you go when you catch the smell of coconut tanning lotion? OK, that is far to suggestive what about the smell of jasmine in the evening? What do you think of when you hear the song 'Love Me Do'?
I ask this cause there are things that bring back warm and fuzzy feelings, memories distorted by time and distance which I have moulded to leave me momentarily pining for the days of my childhood. But when Ian experiences the same trigger he has a compeletely different reaction - usually an adverse one. Take trifle for example. It reminds me of family parties where too many Aunties brought their unique version of the stuff and my cousins and I would eat only the custard. To Ian, trifle means school dinners which most English people remember with disgust and the odd few who find them utterly comforting.
C x
I am at Paul's place in Maidenhead. Paul is a good friend of ours and was also Ian's best man. We are in London this weekend to see The Whitlams but we also wanted to spend some time with Paul so we are staying at his place.
I digress.
We were having breakfast earlier and I had put on 'Automatic for the People', REM's epic album I will never tire of hearing, when 'Sweetness Follows' came on and I was immediately transported to midwestern America. Bear in mind here that I have never been to the midwest but what I saw in my mind's eye were long stretches of road, towns where the streets are wide and the houses large, Texaco service stations and roadside diners where you can get 3 times as much food on your plate that you can possibly consume.
I have no idea why when I hear that particular song I see the Amerian midwest but I suppose that is something peculiar to my mind.
What do you see when I say 'white picket fence'? Or where do you go when you catch the smell of coconut tanning lotion? OK, that is far to suggestive what about the smell of jasmine in the evening? What do you think of when you hear the song 'Love Me Do'?
I ask this cause there are things that bring back warm and fuzzy feelings, memories distorted by time and distance which I have moulded to leave me momentarily pining for the days of my childhood. But when Ian experiences the same trigger he has a compeletely different reaction - usually an adverse one. Take trifle for example. It reminds me of family parties where too many Aunties brought their unique version of the stuff and my cousins and I would eat only the custard. To Ian, trifle means school dinners which most English people remember with disgust and the odd few who find them utterly comforting.
C x